Turkey Hill Pure Maple Syrup Canada Grade A Extra Light 100ml Canadian Product Souvenir Gift Pack
Turkey Hill Golden Maple Syrup 100 ml Bottle with Maple Leaf Silver Logo. Best Choice for any Happy Occasions for your family and friends or you can take as a Souvenir Gift
- Maple Syrup Institute International was awarded a gold medal.
- Since 1976, Turkey Hill Sugarbush has been producing this product.
- Canada Grade A 100ml, 3.38fl oz 100% Pure Maple Syrup 100ml, 3.38fl oz Extra Light Golden Flavor with a Delicate Flavour
- There are no colorings, chemicals, or preservatives in this product.
- Elegant reusable glass bottle
- To make one liter of maple syrup, 40 liters of sap are required.
- Each year, the maple syrup season lasts only 4 to 6 weeks.
- 80 percent of the world’s maple syrup is produced in Canada.
- A fantastic Canadian souvenir to bring home from your trip to Canada to your loved ones.
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