Turkey Hill Grade A Amber Jug 100ml x 5 Turkey Hill Pure Maple Syrup Canada Gift Pack Canadian Product
Turkey Hill Grade A Amber Jug 100ml x 5 Turkey Hill Pure Maple Syrup Canada
- Maple Syrup Institute International was awarded a gold medal.
- Since 1976, Turkey Hill Sugarbush has been producing this product.
- Each bottle contains 100ml (3.38 fl oz). There are five in each bundle.
- 100% Pure Maple Syrup from Canada Amber, Grade A
- There are no artificial colours, ingredients, or preservatives in this product.
- To make one litre of maple syrup, 40 litres of sap are required.
- Each year, the maple syrup season lasts only 4 to 6 weeks.
- 80% of the world’s maple syrup is produced in Canada.
- Bring home a terrific Canadian souvenir gift set for your friends and family.
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